


Hello 2022. I thought I'd grace you all with some blog posts this year. It'll be a great opportunity to get to know me on a personal level & in...


Hello 2022. I thought I'd grace you all with some blog posts this year. It'll be a great opportunity to get to know me on a personal level & in...



I have a pet Boa constrictor, started calling her 'Snack' for a laugh and it stuck, Snack is her name.


I have a pet Boa constrictor, started calling her 'Snack' for a laugh and it stuck, Snack is her name.

Thank you

Thank you

I wanted to unpick the meaning behind my 'thank you' cards with you. I really had hoped to create something that'd stand the test of time and would be least...

Thank you

I wanted to unpick the meaning behind my 'thank you' cards with you. I really had hoped to create something that'd stand the test of time and would be least...